Classes & Concerts

Festival plan

All-inclusive “active”

Free entry to all concerts and lectures
A maximum of four events to choose from the following offer:
  →  4 master class lessons (is considered 1 event),
  →  Competition, Festival Ensemble, Courses 1 to 7

310,- €

160,- € Students 

Festival Concert Subscription

Free entry to all concerts and lectures, Passive participation in other events

240,- €

120,- € Students

Competition and Festival Concert Subscription

Participation in competition (Junior and Senior)

Free entry to all concerts and workshops

250,- €

140,- € Students


Participation in Nürtingen International Competition (born before 7. 8. 2007)

Participation in  Junior-Competition (age 12 – 17 , born between 7. 8. 2007 und 6. 8. 2013)

Participation in Bambini-Competition (age 12 and below, born after 6. 8. 2013)

170.- € | 105.- € Students

Junior 105,- €

Bambini 60.- €

“Young Talents”

For young, talented guitarists aged between 10 and 18 years
Ensemble workshop and single lessons
Free participation in Junior-Competition
Versatile activities during free-time
Free entry to all concerts
Around-the-clock supervision plus full board catering in a double room.
From Sunday, 30. July to Sunday, 6. August (departure in the morning) 

660,- €

Day Ticket

Day tickets include passive participation in master classes, workshops and lectures.

You can buy day tickets in the Festival Office.

10,- € 

Classes & Workshops

Class 1

Festival-Ensemble with Helmut Oesterreich 

Approx. 25 participants will rehearse a program that will be presented Saturday afternoon. 

Monday, 4. August – Saturday, 8. August

150.- €

Class 2

Alfred Eickholt:  “Guitar Basics” – instrumental techniques for beginners and advanced players, with didactic comments.

Workshop 4 x 60 minutes plus individual lessons by arrangement.

Sunday, 3. August – Friday, 8. August

160.- €

Class 3

Michael Langer:  “Fingerstyle – Pop & Jazz on classical guitar”,  workshop

Tuesday, 5. August – Friday, 8. August

160.- €

Class 4

Mandy Bahle: Mandolins and Guitars Festival Ensemble together with the Württemberg Plucked String Orchestra (WZO), which builds the core of this course. Current repertoire arranged for a classical plucked string orchestra (mandolin and guitar) will be rehearsed. The course includes a technique check-up and concludes with a workshop concert where the rehearsal results will be presented.

Monday, 4. August and Tuesday, 5. August

90.- €

50.- € Students

Class 5

Klaus Kusserow: Film making for guitarists.

How to shoot a high-quality promotional video! Content of the workshop are techniques of video design, hardware and cutting techniques, marketing-strategies and social media to promote myself.

Monday, 4. August to Friday, 8. August

150.- €

Class 6

Annika Hinsche: How to play the mandolin. Introduction for guitarists

Wednesday,  6. August | 3 – 5 pm

40,- €

20.- € Students

Class 7

Joscho Stephan: Gypsy Swing Masterclass

Saturday 9. August, 3 – 5 pm

80.- €

50.- € Students

Classes 1 – 5: The exact times can only be determined in the course of the planning.